Coppertop Customs creates top quality bespoke knives made to customer
specifications as well as top quality stock knives. Meticulous care is given to
each and every part of the knives journey, from design to completion only the
highest standards are met. Each knife takes a minimum of 15 hours to
complete, and many take longer depending on the customers wishes with
regards to steel type and handle materials used i.e Damascus steel (which has
an etching process to reveal the beautiful pattern) and highly figured woods
(which take a lot of polishing to get the best out of the grain) . I only use the
best quality materials in order to make the most beautiful and durable knives,
with stunning handles that feel smooth to the touch whilst having excellent
grip and are comfortable to hold. Whether its bold and beautiful, or classic and
sophisticated wood, all tastes and preferences will be met. Display models can
also be created to celebrate a special person or event.